​​ Saturday, September 28th, 2024​
Santa Cruz Mountains Harvest Festival
Junction Park & Joe's Bar parking lot in Boulder Creek 12-6pm

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors
Community Business Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor: $1000
Underwriter spot on our KBCZ Community Radio Station 89.3 for 6 weeks ($300 value)
Logo printed on stage banner
Logo on printed poster and flyers
Your company’s name and logo on our website AND social media
4 complimentary event glasses
4 complimentary event shirts
Gold Sponsor: $500
Underwriter spot on our KBCZ Community Radio Station 89.3 for 2 weeks ($100 value)
Logo printed on stage banner
Logo on printed poster and flyers
Your company’s name and logo on our website AND social media
Silver Sponsor: $300
Logo printed on stage banner
Logo on printed poster and flyers
Your company’s name and logo on our website AND social media
Bronze Sponsor: $200
Logo on printed poster and flyers
Your company’s name, logo and information on our website AND social media
Sponsor: $100
Your company’s name, logo and information on our website AND social media